Visit from the „Bundesverband Deutscher Stahlhandel“ – because a practical demonstration is far more memorable than a theoretical lecture

As part of the working group of young steel traders, BDS AG – Bundesverband Deutscher Stahlhandel (Federal Association of German Steel Traders) – organizes training programs for prospective steel traders in the form of workshops and company visits. This spring semester, the main topic on the agenda was tubes. As it is always nice to be able to see a key topic – in this case the production of welded tubes – live, Schoeller received a request to hold the workshop at our premises in Hellenthal at the beginning of the year.

The group that visited us on June 10 consisted of almost 30 first to third-year commercial trainees in the steel trade from the Krefeld/Oberhausen/Duisburg area. As the participants’ level of knowledge always varies and depends on the year of training and the company’s focus, workshops held in advance by the BDS with a presentation of the most important steel products in the product range of steel traders, including types of production and applications, as well as the production of pipes and their applications, ensured that attendees could rely on basic knowledge.

After a short meeting in our “Alte Schmiede” (old forge) all attendees were split into groups and headed into into production equipped with safety shoes and vests. Here, the groups received in-depth information and insights into the production process from our colleagues from Product Development and Sales. For some participants, the visit offered the opportunity to think outside the box and get to know products and processes that they are not (yet) familiar with.

We would like to thank the BDS for their interest and are already looking forward to the visit in September, when we will be able to welcome employees from sales departments of BDS member companies for a factory tour as part of a BDS seminar on stainless steel and boiler tubes + tube accessories.

Titelbild by BDS