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    Our contacts for you

    Personal contacts
    Stefan Mager Director HR, IT & Recht +49 2482 81 143
    Evelyn Koll HR +49 2482 81 4428
    Marie Johnen HR +49 2482 81 523
    Laura Schneider HR +49 2482 81 2074
    Strategic Sales
    Benjamin Wienand Head of Strategic Sales +49 2482 81 516
    Hans-Jörg Rumpf Strategic Sales +49 2482 81 426
    Niklas Hahn Strategic Sales +49 2482 81 5721
    Thomas Schmitz Manager Business Development +49 2482 81 5829
    Industry contacts
    Roland Mertens Sales Director +49 2482 81 129
    Stefan Brilling Sales Manager +49 2482 81 127
    Markus Zimmermann Sales Manager +49 2482 81 136
    Philipp Nickel Sales Manager +49 2482 81 2075
    Andreas Hermann Sales Manager +49 2482 81 128
    Maximilian Goertz Sales +49 2482 81 107
    Alexandra Mertgens Sales +49 2482 81 275
    Birgit Kapitza Sales +49 2482 81 289
    Nils Fink Sales +49 2482 81 344
    Automotive contacts
    Bernd Jansen Sales Director Automotive +49 2482 81 5722
    Jan Brilling Sales Manager +49 2482 81 3859
    Sabine Haßel Sales Manager +49 2482 81 251
    Sandra Jäger Sales +49 2482 81 247
    Klara Knoll Sales +49 2482 81 535
    Stefan Reiners Sales +49 2482 81 216
    Dominik Dreßen Sales +49 2482 81 286
    Product Development contacts
    Werner Hannig Director Quality & Development +49 2482 81 292
    Philipp Küchler Team Lead Product Development +49 2482 81 252
    Katharina Kreus Product Development +49 2482 81 5772
    Matthias Stoff Product Development +49 2482 81 5802
    Laura Trescher Product Development +49 2482 81 2728
    Gilbert Fischer Product Development +49 2482 81 5836
    Alexandra Hennes Product Development +49 2482 81 212
    Operations - Order management
    Michel Büser Director Operations +49 2482 81 5720
    Hannah Jenniches Project Manager Operations +49 2482 81 564
    Pratheepan Tharmalingam Head of Disposition - Shipping Department +49 2482 81 417
    Daniel Winkler Supply-Chain Manager +49 2482 81 243
    Melanie Dreszus Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 5865
    Tim Gillessen Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 5811
    Britta Heuer Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 220
    Silvia Ingenhaag Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 221
    Christina Knauff Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 2736
    Jennifer Prudlik Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 104
    Stephan Pönsgen Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 549
    Laura Reinold Order Management – Disposition +49 2482 81 412